5 Ways Lawyers Can Help Car Accident Victims

Car Accident

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, there are several things that you can do to ensure that your legal claim is taken care of. You should always seek the counsel of an experienced NYC personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident.

1. They Can Gather Evidence

To support a car accident claim, you need good evidence. This includes evidence that can help you prove liability and physical and circumstantial evidence.

One of the most important types of evidence is eyewitness statements. They can fill in gaps in an accident narrative or resolve differing accounts of the crash between defendants and victims.

The sooner you obtain witness statements, the more accurate they will be. Attorneys can use this information to shift liability back to the party who caused the crash, helping you receive the compensation you deserve.

2. They Can Help You Communicate With the Insurance Company

The other driver’s insurance company will inevitably contact you when you are involved in a car accident. However, it’s important to remember that the insurance representative is not on your side – they work for the company and will use any information you give them against you during settlement negotiations. You must collect evidence immediately after the crash to support your car accident claim. Take pictures of any vehicles involved, skid marks, and other details. Make sure to get the other drivers’ names, phone numbers, and insurance details.

3. They Can Negotiate on Your Behalf

An experienced lawyer representing you in your car accident case can significantly increase your settlement. They will negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and ensure they do not settle for a lowball offer.

 Also, will work with medical experts to determine the extent of your injuries and assign a monetary value to them. They will also examine how your injuries have affected your life and consider whether you could suffer a permanent disability.

They can also assess the impact of your injuries on your relationships and overall quality of life. This includes parenting children or sharing intimacy with your spouse and partner, among other things.

4. They Can Fight Charges

If you are facing criminal charges due to a car accident, your attorney can fight them on your behalf. They can help you avoid missteps that could harm your chances of winning a fair trial.

If your attorney finds your case worth pursuing, they can get the charges dropped or reduced. This can help you recover the money you are owed for any medical expenses, lost wages, or other damages you incurred due to the crash.

They can also fight any attempts by the insurance company to blame you for the crash and lower your damages. This can happen because New York has a comparative fault rule that allows insurance companies to deduct specific percentages of your injuries if they believe you were at least partially responsible for the accident.

5. They Can Take Your Case to Court

If you’ve been in a car accident, you know how challenging the recovery process can be. It’s not just the pain and suffering that lingers after an accident – it can also be an emotionally isolating experience.

Luckily, there are many support groups for those who have been hurt in car accidents. But even those can feel like a lonely experience if you’ve only met a few people who have been in your exact situation.

When that happens, it’s essential to seek legal support as soon as you can. By working with an experienced car accident lawyer, you can get the help you need to fight for your rights and recover what you deserve. This includes compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other economic damages caused by the car accident.